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Colorado Workers for Innovative and New Solutions (WINS) is a union representing more than 27,000 state employees who work to ensure our quality of life in communities in every corner of our state. Black or White, Asian or Latine, local or newcomer, we make the way for quality essential services to everyone.

Upcoming Events

New to COWINS?

Activate Your Membership

Have you signed your membership card yet? The first step to building our power as workers is to join together in our union. Activate your union membership here!

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New Member Orientation

Just signed your membership card? Sign up here for our New Member Orientation, and access the new member packet!

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Join a Committee!

Join an Organizing Committee

We currently have 3 Organizing Committees for Housing, State Entity Agreements, and Steps 2.0, respectively. Learn more about how you can join here!


Hold Politicians Accountable

Our Political Committee vets candidates, helps elect pro-worker politicians, and holds them accountable once in office.

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Get Creative

The Colorado WINS Design Collective gives members the opportunity to share their creative skills with fellow members. If you write, draw, sing, or anything else, check it out!

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Colorado AFRAM Chapter

AFRAM is a caucus for union members of African descent to connect with each other and grow their leadership skills.

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More Ways to Get Involved.

Retiree Chapter

Are you nearing retirement, or already retired? Click here to join the COWINS Retiree Chapter!

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Get COWINS Texts

Sign up here to receive text updates about union news, events, and other ways to get involved!

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Share Your Story

The public needs to hear from state workers, and nobody can describe your workplace better than you. If you're facing workplace challenges, enforcing the contract, or doing other things to build up your union, share it here!

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Nominate a Union Steward

Union Stewards enforce our contract and ensure workers are treated fairly. Know someone who's up to the task? Nominate them here!

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