On Thursday, Colorado WINS hosted a Legislative Tea to share how Legislators can support us in our 2021 Contract Campaign and give them an update on our efforts so far. We were proud to host nearly 20 of our legislative champions and share our vision for Colorado.
We know our state’s communities better than anyone because we serve them everyday. That’s why we believe that our state can be a place where everyone can thrive and leave a better future for our children. That’s what we want to achieve — and it starts with our first union contract.
Marc Morgan, from CO Dept. of Public Health Environment presented our vision for Colorado – one where everyone can make a decent living and afford to live in our state, save for the future, do our best in our job and give our kids a great start in life. Valerie Bartell, from CO Dept. of Transportation also joined to share our more immediate goals for the 2021 contract. This year Colorado WINS surveyed state employees across Colorado to identify their issues in the workplace and identified what it would take to make their jobs even better.
After surveying thousands of state employees we found they are united for: closing the compensation gap, filling vacancies across departments, ensuring workplace equity, and safety on the job. Additionally, we are going to advocate for a base-building, across-the-board raise this year because we know that the sooner we can properly compensate state employees, the better our state will be.
When Coloradans have good jobs, they can pay their rent or mortgage, fill their refrigerators, buy their prescriptions and invest in the supplies their kids need to learn. When they don’t, entire communities suffer. That’s why, in this moment, we must stand with and for each other across our differences and fight for a strong union contract.
If you are not a member already, we encourage you to join us. If you are a member and are interested in getting more involved, you can submit this form to learn more about the Bargaining Team or Contract Action Team.