COWINS met with the State on Friday September 11th to propose how to save jobs and keep people employed in the face of state agency budget cuts.
We know that layoffs are a possibility in this economy, but with an average of 20% vacancy rates throughout the state agencies COWINS believes we need to keep everyone working and providing vital services to our fellow Coloradans. The last thing we need is more unemployment in our state.
To that purpose COWINS proposed the following:
- That prior to the State initiating a layoff of bargaining unit members, each agency will take all steps to cut costs through other means.
If a layoff is to take place that it be based on seniority (as modified by military veteran status). - That any employee slated for layoff be eligible for transfer to any vacant position in their job classification within or outside their current department and agency.
- That if no vacant positions exist in their job classification or they are unable to accept a vacant position due location or schedule, then they are placed on a reemployment list and be eligible for recall to any posted position to their job classification in order of seniority.
- Any laid off employee who is not placed in a vacant position in their classification, will receive their accrued PTO and a severance payout of one week pay for every year of service plus three months health insurance.
We presented this proposal to the State and expect to hear back from them soon.