In 2 virtual meetings during December, Colorado WINS members gathered virtually to vote on our contract priorities for the 2021 Contract Negotiations. After a review of the bargaining survey results, state employees voted on their contract priorities for their first union contract. Together they decided to prioritize:
- Close the Gap with Fair Pay Steps and Raises: Close the 16.4% compensation gap between state employees and market compensation for our jobs. Across the Board this fiscal year.
- Fair Treatment in the Workplace: End favoritism, discrimination and old boy network; establish fair rules for job posting and the awarding of posted positions, just cause for discipline and discharge, fair working conditions like schedules, overtime, health and safety.
- Improve Benefits: Improve and control costs for medical coverage, retirement; secure more paid leave time, fair rules for use of benefits.
- Fill Vacancies for Safe Staffing: Attract and retain staff to fill the 20% statewide average of vacant jobs with market rate pay, benefits and a streamlined hiring process.
- Ensure Health and Safety: Protect our coworkers and those we serve.
We will also fight for an across-the-board raise this year while we fight for sustainable pay for all state employees in our first contract. State employees also discussed how to mobilize and engage with their coworkers to win a strong union contract and what the ongoing Contract Campaign will look like.
The next open meetings will begin in January – in the meantime members are encouraged to get involved on the Contract Action Team or the Bargaining Team.