
Colorado WINS Members Unanimously Ratify Contract Priorities

December 18, 2020

Colorado WINS Members Unanimously Ratify Contract Priorities

Colorado WINS Members Unanimously Ratify Contract Priorities

2020 Electoral Victories

November 12, 2020

Colorado WINS members helped create a historic election year for Colorado progressives. This was the highest turnout election in Colorado’s history, which speaks to how well our voting system works for everyone – Republican, Democrat, or independent.

2020 Electoral Victories

Election Shows Coloradans Value Investing in State Services

November 9, 2020

Pueblo, CO – As election results from Colorado and across the country begin to be finalized, Colorado WINS Executive Director Hilary Glasgow issued the following statement:

Election Shows Coloradans Value Investing in State Services

State Employee Union Statement on Governor’s Budget Proposal

November 2, 2020

State Employee Union Statement on Governor’s Budget Proposal

State Employee Union Statement on Governor’s Budget Proposal

Read about our work during the election cycle!

October 31, 2020

Read about our work during the election cycle!

Read about our work during the election cycle!

COVID-19 After Action Report

September 29, 2020

COVID-19 After Action Report

COVID-19 After Action Report

Statement on Breonna Taylor

September 25, 2020

Statement on Breonna Taylor

Statement on Breonna Taylor

Bargaining Update: 9/13

September 13, 2020

COWINS met with the State on Friday September 11th to propose how to save jobs and keep people employed in the face of state agency budget cuts.

Bargaining Update: 9/13

PRESS RELEASE: State Employees Celebrate Senator Leroy Garcia’s Victory over Recall Effort

October 18, 2019

PRESS RELEASE: State Employees Celebrate Senator Leroy Garcia’s Victory over Recall Effort

PRESS RELEASE: State Employees Celebrate Senator Leroy Garcia’s Victory over Recall Effort

PRESS RELEASE: As Denver City Council divests from for-profit community corrections, DOC workers emphasize need to address internal Corrections staffing issues first

August 13, 2019

PRESS RELEASE: As Denver City Council divests from for-profit community corrections, DOC workers emphasize need to address internal Corrections staffing issues first

PRESS RELEASE: As Denver City Council divests from for-profit community corrections, DOC workers emphasize need to address internal Corrections staffing issues first

PRESS RELEASE: State Employees Link Rising Recidivism Rates to Severe Staffing Shortage at State Correctional Facilities

July 23, 2019

PRESS RELEASE: State Employees Link Rising Recidivism Rates to Severe Staffing Shortage at State Correctional Facilities

PRESS RELEASE: State Employees Link Rising Recidivism Rates to Severe Staffing Shortage at State Correctional Facilities

PRESS RELEASE: State Employee Union Executive Director Welcomes BLM Employees to Colorado

July 17, 2019

PRESS RELEASE: State Employee Union Executive Director Welcomes BLM Employees to Colorado

PRESS RELEASE: State Employee Union Executive Director Welcomes BLM Employees to Colorado

To recover from the pandemic, Colorado must invest directly in the workers who are getting us through it

July 12, 2019

To recover from the pandemic, Colorado must invest directly in the workers who are getting us through it

To recover from the pandemic, Colorado must invest directly in the workers who are getting us through it

Joint statement from Governor Polis and WINS Executive Director Glasgow on HB 19-1273

April 29, 2019

Joint statement from Governor Polis and WINS Executive Director Glasgow on HB 19-1273

Joint statement from Governor Polis and WINS Executive Director Glasgow on HB 19-1273

Study: collective bargaining leads to better state services, reduced costs for taxpayers

April 15, 2019

Study: collective bargaining leads to better state services, reduced costs for taxpayers

Study: collective bargaining leads to better state services, reduced costs for taxpayers

WINS Bill Passes House Committee, Colorado Workers Cheer

April 11, 2019

The WINS bill was approved by a key Colorado House committee on Tuesday, April 10, 2019. Nearly 29,000 state employees are now one giant step closer to securing the freedom to collectively bargain a union contract.

WINS Bill Passes House Committee, Colorado Workers Cheer